For Businesses

Bring Embodied Eating to your office, with no-excuses, on-site programs geared to your company’s needs.

We offer a number of services for businesses, from small companies with as few as five people, to large corporations with hundreds of employees. You can choose from something as simple as a one-hour workshop to a weekend retreat that includes nutrition, stress reduction, mindfulness practices and movement taught by our team of certified professionals.

Some examples of our offerings:

• A one-hour Nutrition 101 Workshop that presents the basics of nutrition, including the facts about carbs, healthy fats, best protein sources, tips for healthy lunches and snacks, and more.

• On-site, one-on-one Nutritional Healing sessions at discounted rates.

• Small group (5 to 15 people) Buddy System programs for specific needs, including weight loss and immune boosting.

• On-site targeted classes and workshops customized to your employees needs, for such areas as reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing energy,  boosting immunity, and more.

• On-site Healthy Eating food demos, led by our professional chefs, with tips for fast breakfasts, power lunches and energy-boosting snacks.

• Telephone and Skype follow-up support, coaching and consultations.

• Off-site one-day or weekend Executive Retreats that include massage, yoga and movement classes, meditation and stress reduction, and nutritional healing.

Classes, workshops and consultations can be scheduled around the lunch hour or immediately after work hours, or at your convenience. Have your own ideas of what you want? Great! Contact us to design your own program, and learn more about pricing and availability.