15 foods for longevity

15 foods for longevity

Famed actress and octogenarian Bette Davis said getting older isn’t for sissies. But those of us over 50 also know that the second half of our lives can be a time of great emotional stability, mental acuity, wisdom and power. Even so, the physical fact 

101 tips: body + soul

101 tips: body + soul

Get out of your mind and into your body. Several times a day, close your eyes and scan your body, noticing what it feels like and breathing into any tension.

Weekend Detox

Weekend Detox

Living in the modern world, our bodies can start feeling pretty grubby inside. Between the sugars, refined flours, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, chemical food additives, pesticides, and environmental pollutants we encounter, our cells are exposed to myriad toxins and inflammation triggers. The stress of modern life